How could we develop and adapt to our local reality and work what our European partners had shared with us?
After the seminar held in Turin in December 2021, Stranaidea’s group came back home with various ideas whirling in our heads. How could we develop and adapt to our local reality and work what our European partners had shared with us? During the seminar, Fondación Splora shared an artistic technique through which promote participation and sense of belonging in a group. What we found really interesting in this activity was that from one side, no special competences were asked from the participants. On the other, at the end of the activity there isn’t a correct or wrong result: whatever pops up from the group is accepted and valorized. The task was simple enough: each participant wrote a phrase or a very short story on a piece of paper. The papers were then distributed among the members of the group and each one should represent graphically the phrase or the story that he/she had been given. The final result had been a little book made of phrases and images created by the direct participation of each member of the group. So… e real product of the group! We would really like to find an opportunity and test out this activity together with our users, within the service minors and families, enriching this activity with other artistic forms (music or dance according the interests of our users). For now, the idea has been shared with the rest of our staff who have also been enthusiasts about the idea, but for now we didn’t have an opportunity to apply the technique. But as it’s known to everybody, hope dies last! We’re sure the moment will arrive to try it out, reinforcing sense of group and participation through the art of transforming stories in art.